Welcome to Utilicom.com.au

Detecting, Locating & Inspection Equipment

Utilicom supplies quality equipment for Detecting, Locating and Inspecting underground and above ground assets.

Products are sourced from around the world to ensure the latest technology is offered to our customers.

You was redirected to here as our main website &/or webpages have some high security functions enabled and so your IP address was flaged by our site due to these security functions.

This includes all 403 Permissions & 503 Service Unavailable

Please Note: If the error was a 503 then it may be temporarily unavailable and so retrying the main website later in the day or week may have fixed the problem.

One of Your Ip address has been logged and the IP's you used was traced back to
" " but you may also be on:

Please note: If your ip shown above has something like 10.X.X.X or 192.168.X.X (The X will be a ip address) it means its not your external ip and for some reasion your browser is trying to report the wrong address, you can also view your external address at https://www.whatismyip.com/

What this means is we have put in place some high security function on our websites that block some site access and/or some IP's and even Countries out right.

If you think you was blocked mistakenly then please email our webadmin support team via 403@utilicom.com.au,
Please note you must state the IP's above, also what time you tried to access, then they will look into it asap and fix the problem if there is a reason to fix it.

Many Ip's and Countries will not be unblocked without good reason.

These functions are in place to help protect our websites and equipment from Spammers &/or Hackers and yes many are trying.

Also many Bots including Bad Bots are blocked out right.

If you wish to contact us here at Utilicom, our (current) INTERNATIONAL Contact number is +61 418 620 277

Our Normal website is at www.utilicom.com.au